1-1 Coaching

Executive Coaching

Rising Stars Coaching
We can help you to identify your Rising Stars, then provide 1-1 coaching to prepare them for more challenging roles ahead. May be combined with a leadership development (group) programme.

Coaching for New Leaders (& new joiners)
A six-month programme to help new leaders or those new to the organisation, to hit the ground running.

Cultural Awareness Coaching

Redundancy / Outplacement Coaching

Image Coaching
If your leaders and/or customer-facing staff need some direction in the way they present themselves, we can tactfully help them to smarten up their act.  This can be aligned to your brand and is ideal for high-profile execs.

"You've done an excellent job as I think things became very clear for me in terms of how to manage myself and plan my development. All the help and support offered is very much appreciated."

"I cannot thank you enough for the focus you have given me, your time and effort is greatly appreciated. Particularly in support of my ultimate goals and providing the structure and toolkit to execute the strategy I have laid out."

Supporting Elements

360 Feedback
Personality Profiling / Building Better Relationships
Talent / Development Needs Assessment
Shadowing / Observation

How it Works

Initial Meeting to agree desired outcomes & goals


All Liberate Coaches are ICF members, and abide by their code of conduct (We are happy to provide a copy on request).

Research- ROI of Coaching

Executive Briefing: Case Study - The Return on Investment of Executive Coaching: www.metrixglobal.net

Association For Coaching: Coaching ROI Results